Anatomy of an Online Course Launch

Social media has changed the face of marketing.  And the pandemic changed the face of learning. It’s Not Optional Any business knows they must have an online presence if they want to capture their slice of the 70% of the world’s population who use the internet. And any business owner who works with clients one-on-one…

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Publishing & Your Dripping Faucet

DIY, Hire an Expert, or Hybrid? Most of our personal and work projects aren’t rocket science, so we actually have a choice of how much we do ourselves or hire out. Whether it’s a dripping faucet, creating a website, creating a garden, or launching a space shuttle (wait, that one is rocket science!) you have…

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How many of you thought – like I did – that to get a book published you: Sit down and write the book Edit your book – once – after you’re done Find a publishing house The publisher edits your book one final time and gets it ready to publish The publisher promotes your book…

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Gestating My Book

The response to my book announcement has been overwhelming! The concept of putting a book out into the world had been abstract for me, until now. All the positive feedback has made it so much more real. Thank you readers! So, let me tell you a bit about the journey my book and I have…

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I Wrote a Book!

On March 22, 2020, one week into lockdown for the COVD-19 pandemic, I decided to write a book. I’d been thinking about writing for many years and had a few ideas. Being stuck at home seemed like a great time to start. That day, I wrote the first 1,751 words of my book. And today,…

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