Posts by Carrie Kenner
How many of you thought – like I did – that to get a book published you: Sit down and write the book Edit your book – once – after you’re done Find a publishing house The publisher edits your book one final time and gets it ready to publish The publisher promotes your book…
Read MoreBe Revolutionary!
I was recently filling out an online dating profile (yes, I’m looking’ for love ♥), and one of the profile questions took me back to a birth I attended eight years ago. The question was: What’s the favorite compliment you ever received? My answer: “You are a true revolutionary.” Okay, I’m a sucker for anything…
Read MoreSolar Eclipse 2017
We woke up at 4am, put a case of Mason jars filled with rain water in the trunk of the car, grabbed my moonstone pendant, and headed down I-5 to Salem, OR. That was four years ago yesterday, and my son and I were on our way to witness a total solar eclipse. It was…
Read MoreHow Do You Like to Work?
I like to do things BIG, all out, no half-stepping. I take on huge projects, plan and organize them, implement them (usually with lots of cursing throughout), and then I’m done. Making a pottery studio in my home. Remodeling my house. Creating an urban farm (three times). Starting my own business (twice). Doing a van…
Read MoreGestating My Book
The response to my book announcement has been overwhelming! The concept of putting a book out into the world had been abstract for me, until now. All the positive feedback has made it so much more real. Thank you readers! So, let me tell you a bit about the journey my book and I have…
Read MoreI Wrote a Book!
On March 22, 2020, one week into lockdown for the COVD-19 pandemic, I decided to write a book. I’d been thinking about writing for many years and had a few ideas. Being stuck at home seemed like a great time to start. That day, I wrote the first 1,751 words of my book. And today,…
Read MoreA Love Letter to the Seattle Birth Community
An Open Letter of Love and Gratitude… As I close the doors to Big Belly Services, sell off my belongings, and prepare to drive off into my new life, I am filled with so many memories and so much gratitude for the Seattle birth community. My midwives who started me off on this path, Suzy…
Read MoreMaking the Cut
When I was a little girl, I’d lie on my back on the living room floor and look up at the ceiling. The tops of the built-in bookcases became the bottoms, the light fixtures became mushroom caps, the ceiling beams became thresholds to different rooms, different worlds. That ‘ceiling’ was the floor of my private…
Read MoreThis is it.
If there’s anything I am drawn to…. it’s CHANGE! I know change can be an uncomfortable proposition for many, but I have always leaned into it and actually thrive on it. For those who know me well, they’d even say I go out searching for it. And they are right! My biggest fear is being…
Read MoreHow did this come about?
I had been waiting for my youngest son to graduate. I made an agreement in 2013 that I would stay in Seattle until he finished high school, and then I could leave. I’ve been wanting to live in the country, on land, in a yurt or tiny home, homesteading, for many many years. As his…
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